Josh Berry is a 17 year old on a mission.
Two pairs of socks
for every homeless
person in Victoria.
I am collecting 50,000 pairs of socks so that we can give 2 pairs of socks each to every one of the 23,000 homeless people in Victoria.
Homeless people say that one of the things they most need are clean, warm socks. People give blankets and jackets, usually when they no longer fit them or get another jacket, but you never give away your holey socks.
Please can you help me achieve my goal and also help homeless people keep warm and have clean healthy feet?
Imagine if you were homeless and carried everything on your back, everywhere you went. Imagine if you had only one pair of socks. What do you do if you want to wash your clothes? If you don’t have another pair of socks to put on, then your feet get cold.
Josh Berry - Founder, 2 Pairs Each
Our results so far!
Pairs of socks collected since July 2015 (Goal: 50,000).
Other items collected.
Latest news!!
2 Pairs Each as a charity will close at the end of April 2024 as I have joined the Air Force and have shifted interstate. RT Edgar Mt Eliza has generously volunteered to continue collecting brand new pairs of socks and donating them to local charities.